Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Years Resolutions

Yes, I know I make these every year and never seem to quite follow through with them. This year will be different, I promise!! Here goes!

1. I want to work out for at least 30 minutes every day with a break here and there. If I can do more than 30, great. But if I don't do more, the minimum is 30 no matter what. (I will be starting this as soon as I get over my cold!)

2. I want to run in at least one 5k this spring/summer/fall. At some point in 2009 I am going to enter a race.

3. I want to stay on track with WW. I am never going to lose the weight unless I control my cravings. The first step in losing weight is diet diet diet!!!

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll do a 5k with you! Target has a running club, so I'll find out the dates of some runs in the spring and let you know what I find!

